Gym Policies and Dress Code
Gym Calendar
Tuition is based on an average of 4 classes per month. For months that get 5 classes we do not charge extra – however, we also do not prorate for months that only have 3 classes due to planned gym closures. All classes will meet 48 times throughout the calendar year (that is including all planned gym closures).
Planned Gym Closures/Class Cancellations for 2025
1/1-1/2 (Winter Break)
3/8 (Gym Show)
5/26 (Memorial Day)
6/2-6/7 (Summer Break)
9/1 (Labor Day)
11/25-11/29 (Thanksgiving Break)
12/23-12/31 (Winter Break)
Unplanned Closures/Cancellations
We will offer make-up days/tokens for any unplanned gym closure or class cancellation. Reasons could include inclement weather, power outages, and extremely rarely, lack of staff availability. WE DO NOT FOLLOW SCHOOL CLOSURES. We serve children in many different school districts and will make our own decisions regarding gym closures. These will be communicated via email as well as posted on our Facebook page.
Observation Policy, Arrival and Pickup
Parents and guests are always welcome to observe from the waiting area. Please find a location to view class from and stay there throughout the class. If seating fills up, Please utilize outside picnic tables for observation.
Do not take seats from waiting room into the gymnastics area. Please do not walk through the gym while classes are going on; students can easily be distracted. Do not coach or correct gymnastics while in class; that's what the instructors are for. We asked that all children not enrolled in classes be supervised at all times; they are not permitted in gymnastics area, warm-up area or front desk area. We ask this for the SAFETY of everyone at Head Over Heels.
Please do not bring food inside the gym. Crumbs and snacks left on the floor encourage ants, mice and other rodents and issues. Please use the outside picnic tables if eating is desired. If this is ignored and food is spilt on the floor - please request a broom and appropriate cleaning supplies to clean up after yourself/your child.
Parents of 3 & 4 year old's are required to remain in the Gym for the duration of classes. Bathroom assistance to all gymnasts can only come from their parents and guardians. Coaches and staff cannot assist gymnasts in the restrooms at all.
For Gymnasts 5+, Parents are allowed to leave the gym and run errands if desired during class. Please fully walk your child into the gym and arrive at least 10 minutes before class ends to pick up your child.
Our parking lot can be VERY busy with multiple businesses….do NOT let your children walk unattended into and out of the gym.
When leaving the parking lot — please be very mindful of children and cautious to leave without distractions. The parking lot is a public area - please lock your cars and be alert to avoid injuries. The gym is not responsible for safety in this area.
Absence and Make-up Policy (Recreational Classes)
Because of our strict student to teacher ratio, unexcused absences/missed classes will
not automatically result in make-up tokens/classes, prorated tuition or refunds.
Make-up classes are not guaranteed. To receive a make-up token in the portal and have the possibility for a make-up class:
If no options for a make-up class are showing in the portal, there are no available classes. Spots open in the portal as families mark themselves absent. Lower level classes (Nimble Knees, Intro 1) are full most of the time, which can make scheduling make-ups difficult.
We will not overbook classes for make up’s — this is not safe for our coaches, or fair for students typically in that class. Please keep this in mind when missing your regularly scheduled class.
A 6 hour advance is requested to mark expected absences as this gives us time to staff appropriately, and opens the spot for another family trying to schedule a make-up.
Please do not use email to notify of expected absences. We understand emergencies arise and will work with each family in these situations, but for best use of our time managing the program — please use the customer portal to notify us of absences.